What format should I send?

The ideal format is EPS (Adobe Illustrator 8.0. If you are using the latest version of Illustrator, Adobe Illustrator CS, be sure to save the file with the .ai extension which will make it compatible with earlier versions). The file should be high-resolution Black & White Vector Art with colors separated. It is also important that you 'Create Outlines' around all type (also known as converting to 'Curves') this will protect the integrity of your artwork in the event that we do not carry your font(s).

A file in another format 'saved as' EPS does not work it must be created in the proper format. Don't worry that the file is not in the color you want you will just need to tell us which imprint color(s) you want, by description, or by PMS number. You also do not need to size your artwork to fit the imprint area we will automatically enlarge your artwork to fit the maximum imprint area (unless otherwise instructed).

Where do I send it?

E-mail your EPS file to adsonthings@comcast.net.
Please be sure to include your Invoice or Cart # in the subject line of your e-mail.

What if I don't have an EPS file?

You aren't out of options yet! If you have a logo in a format other than EPS we can often re-draw your artwork for an art charge (charge varies depending on the complexity of your artwork; Minimum $50 charge). We'd be happy to quote the art charge if you e-mail us your file.

Or, if you're looking to save a little money, we can always just typeset text for you at no charge. If you would like to go with a text-only imprint you can e-mail your copy, font choice(s), layout, and imprint color(s) toll free to 888-893-7100 (don't forget the Invoice/Cart #).

PMS color matching is available on many of our items (additional charges may apply).
